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Hello Comrades and Combatants for Sustainability. In my earlier introduction I did not elaborate on aspects that were required.
Firstly, I joined this course to be able to share Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) ideas since am a specialist research student in ESE related topics.
Secondly, I joined to intentionally link the Southern Africa Nazarene University (SANU) Faculty of Education (FoE) MESA programme activities (The Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities) to the faculty curriculum practices as we meaningfully partner with lecturers from different departments. This course is thus a great opportunity to get immersed in curriculum innovation aimed at realising transformation of the SANU FoE towards sustainability at such a time when the United Nations Global Agenda with regard to Sustainable Development Goals has been overshadowed by the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Thirdly, the key idea of our change project at the SANU FoE is to carry out a thorough document analysis of all the course outlines guiding our Curriculum practices as we prepare Pre-service Teachers (PSTs). The analysis of these key curriculum documents will lay a good foundation for all that will be carried out later when this course has been completed. Our findings will guide the administration on how to improve the whole curriculum so that in all the subjects taught at the SANU FoE, ESE content will be infused in a manner that demonstrates each department’s intention to explicitly prepare PSTs for teaching and integrating ESE into their curriculum planning and teaching practices.
Siyabonga Asante sana Tatenda Thank you