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Hello everyone.my name is Khulisile B.Hlatshwako,a primary teacher at St Paul’s Methodist Primary in the Kingdom of Eswatini.I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Special n Inclusive Education and currently doing my Masters Degree in Primary Education.

Being well versed about Special and Inclusive educational needs, my change project is to have the learners and everyone in the school environment appreciate diversity especially because the government in the Kingdom mandated that everyone child has a right to access to the neighboring school (Inclusive education).This therefore calls for everyone in the school system have a clear understanding of how to ensure that even those learners who are said to have disabilities acquire quality education just like the so-called normal students.In addition,the change project would also Include a clean environment through educating how maintain hygiene in the school surroundings eg:clean grounds ,classrooms and among themselves.
I am looking forward to this because it will assist me with all the relevant information needed for change projects to be a success so to create sustainable future for our young heroes and the community at large.The course with further enrich me as student with more information and practice since what is done here is in line with my field of study.