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I have enjoyed the projects in general as they range from curriculum transformation to upcycling waste, and sustainable technology. I think they are all relevant and exciting. the one that is relevant for me is curriculum transformation since I am in teacher education. I feel that the other projects can be adopted by learners as they do enquiry-based learning through group projects of their own. This can be done in different subjects, each one fostering the transformed curriculum in its own space. Even the project on integrating indigenous knowledge systems can be applicable in enquiry based learning projects in the consumer sciences and agriculture subjects. so I believe that with a transformed curriculum, transformed teachers and transformed teaching methodologies and mindsets, a lot of small projects can mushroom in the institution eg. recycling projects, technology projects and projects applying IKS. I Think that the enquiry-based curriculum already caters for this move. the important part would be assessment of these projects, as it was raised in the videos. it would involve training of teachers in assessment of competencies as learners engage in these projects. there is also, need for consensus in grading them, which would entail designing of an assessment tool. In the sciences where we are currently assessing skills in the classroom during laboratory experiments, this should not be a difficult task as long as we know what we want to reward, say originality, relevance in solving everyday living problems, scientific concept application in the group projects. We hope that the pandemic will subside soon.