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My name is Mr Melusi Ntokozo Simelane, a swazi cetizen aged 31 years. I am holding a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management Occupational Safety and Health tenable from the University of Swaziland, Faculty of Health Sciences. I have about 5 years of experience working as an Environmental Inspector, trainer and consultant. Currently, I am working as a Public Health Consultant and Lecturer at the Institute of Development Management College, Eswatini Campus. My educational background and work experience make me believe I best fit in this course.

I have decided to be part of this course because I believe education is the best tool one can ever have to ensure sustainable development at all angles. Acquiring education assist in many ways including escaping poverty, ensuring health and sustained livelihoods, keeping sound and unpolluted environment for us and the future generation, generating economy, ensuring gender balance in all institutional angles to name but a few.

My change project idea is ensuring easy access to education by every person through the integration of available educational enablers(technology) in line with the sustainable development goals. Also I believe means should be worked to ensure environmental protection through education for sustainable livelihoods.