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Hallo everyone. My name is Tony Magwira, a lecturer in Education Foundation Studies and Mathematics at Phalombe Teacher Training College in Southern Malawi. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Primary Education obtained from the University of Malawi-Chancelor College, and a Diploma in Special Needs and Inclusive Education obtained from Montfort SNE College. I have a combined experience of a primary school teacher, special needs education teacher, inclusive education advocate and a teacher educator.

After attending a virtual workshop on SST – EDS earlier in the year, I have been so keen to learn more. Besides, the nature of the course, especially the aspect of connecting various educators from across the region appeals to my desire to get connected, learn and share best practices taking place in educational and vocational institutions in the region. Above all, this course is an excitement endeavor towards a transformed society that we all want. Hence, joining.

My change project will be guided by the desire to ensure that students and everyone celebrates diversity. The project will engage members from diverse backgrounds to use technological innovation by building simple briquette press, practice waste management by recycling paper into briquettes, engage in entrepreneurship by selling the briquettes and promote inclusion in education by using returns from briquette sales to carry out advocacy and awareness campaigns.

Looking forward to an exciting adventure.