Home Forums Curricula review on Climate Change

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    • Wilma
      Post count: 14

       The five videos that you watched at the end of session 2 gave you some idea of

      (a) what is known about a topic, and

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it

    • Chilufya
      Post count: 6

      (a) what is known about a topic, and
      -Cross cutting issues appear as part of the syllabi in all the study areas in my TE.
      -Studies about the Environment and Climate Change are found in study area of Social Studies, under Geography.
      -Integrated Science deals with topics on the Ecosystems.
      -Home Economics involve the teaching of Nutrition.
      -There is a course for Entrepreneurship among the courses for Education and Professional Studies.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      -Although cross cutting issues are part of the syllabi, how and what cross cutting issues are being addressed is not known.
      -The follow up of cross cutting issues being assessed is not done.
      -Entrepreneurship is in existence but does not include prevention of environmental degradation in business plans.
      -The general knowledge that relates to co-existence with other organisms and nature is not emphasised.

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.

      -The curriculum must specify the cross cutting issues to be address by each study area in my TE.
      -Suggested methodology to cover the cross cutting issues would be of help.
      -Follow ups of whether the cross cutting issues are being covered and being included in the assessment schemes.

      Post count: 8

      What is known about the topic
      Cross cutting issues are found in all the courses. however we have stand alone course for instance

      A) Under school of natural science there were courses like BIO 461community ecology and ecological methods, CHEM 490 Chemistry and the environment.

      COURSE CODE: BIO 461
      . AIM: This course provides knowledge of the ecological methods used in the study of ecology and conservation of indigenous plant and animal communities.
      By the end of the course a student should be able to;
      Discuss and model functions of communities; evaluate the effects of introduced species on native communities; describe ecological community; describe sampling methods; design research surveys and experiments; analyse research data using statistical methods; test hypotheses and interpret; develop research proposal.
      1. Community ecology
      Introduction: historical development of community ecology; types of communities; characteristics of communities (growth, form and structure, diversity, dominance, trophic structure and dynamics);
      Successions: primary and secondary successions; climax communities; patterns of tropical forest successions; models of succession (facilitation, tolerance, inhibition, random colonisation); mechanisms of succession (seed bank, establishment, growth, competition, herbivory); successions on bare ground (microbial communities, lichens, bryophytes, vascular species);
      Primary production: patterns in primary production in tropical ecosystems; measuring primary productivity; factors limiting productivity (moisture, temperature, nutrients, light); relationships between diversity and production;
      Community interactions: herbivory (types, effects on plant communities, plant response to herbivory); predation (predator-prey interactions and impacts on communities, models of predator avoidance behaviour); competition (types, competition concepts and models);
      Community stability: terminology in analysis of ecosystem stability; diversity and stability; agricultural ecosystems; role of disturbance; intermediate disturbance hypothesis; plant response to disturbance; scale and frequency of disturbance; disturbance and patchiness; equilibrium models; non-equilibrium models; gaps and patches; impact of introduced species on native communities;
      2. Ecological methods
      Experimental method and design: hypothesis formulation and testing; experimental design; statement of the problem; selection of factors, selection of levels and responsive variables; choice of experimental design; types of experiments; basic characteristics of experimental design (replication, randomisation and blocking);
      Sampling methods: sampling designs (simple, random, stratified random, systematic, multistage); use of spreadsheets for collecting and entering data;
      Data analysis methods: assembling data into data bases; exploratory data analysis; comparison between samples (non-parametric and parametric tests); correlation and regression analysis; linear regression; curve fitting to scatter plots and model interpretation;
      Research proposal: asking questions; literature review; problem statement; setting hypothesis; significance of research and expected outputs; description of research methods; data analysis methods; material requirements and costs; scheduling activities;
      Suggested Practical Work
      1. analysis of a plant community
      2. estimating species of diversity of communities
      3. experimental design
      4. sampling design

      This course provides fundamental knowledge of the processes and principles involved in the production of chemical products and the associated environmental issues.
      By the end of the course students should be able to:
      Classify chemical industries based on raw materials and chemical processes; Demonstrate understanding and describe the various processes and unit operations and examine their possible effects on the environment; Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental principles involved in the transformation of chemical raw materials into finished products
      ; Describe and explain various aspects of the production chlor-alkali, nitrogen, sulphur products, petroleum, soap/detergents and agrochemicals; Relate the effects of the manufacturing processes and products to the environment
      1. Chemical Manufacturing Industries and the Environment
      Classification of industries and raw materials,Chemical processes and unit operations. And Land, water, air and pollution.
      2. Chlor-Alkali Industries
      Manufacture of chlorine and sodium hydroxide, Soda ash, sodium bicarbonate ammonia-soda (Solvay) process and Environmental issues
      3. Nitrogen Industries
      Manufacture of ammonia (Haber process) and ammonium compounds, Nitrogen inorganic, compounds as agricultural fertilisers and Environmental issues
      4. Sulphur Industries
      Manufacture of sulphuric acid (contact process), Sulphur dioxide pollution and acid rain and Environmental issues
      5. Petroleum
      Origins of fossil fuels and petroleum refining, Petroleum products and the environment (greenhouse effect) and Production of biofuels as renewable energy resource.
      6. Soaps and Detergents
      Manufacturing of soaps: Raw materials, saponification process, additives- builders and perfumes, manufacturing process and Manufacturing of detergents: Raw materials, detergent powders, additives manufacturing process
      7. Agricultural chemicals
      Pesticides, Classification of pesticides, Natural and synthetic insecticides.Mechanism of action, Mode of application and Herbicides
      Under school of business studies
      The aim of the course is to develop skills and ability in students in information and communication technology systems.
      This is an introduction to the application of computers in business. It covers discussions on basic computer concepts, including history of the computer, computer hardware and software, and finally current trends and issues in Information Technology. It also includes practical exposure to selected software applications.
      There will be THREE hours of lectures and TWO lab hours per week.
      By the end of the course, students should be able to:
      To expose students to computer terminology; To present the impact of computers on our present day society; To introduce students to practical usage of computer systems; To prepare students for future encounters with computing and information processing concepts in the workplace; To gain s deeper understanding of the mathematical concepts in computer architecture; Demonstrate an understanding of information and communication technology; Use information and communication technology to solve business related problems; Use a computer to prepare business documents.
      1. Basics of Computing
      parts of a computer, booting process, shut down, user interfaces, command line and graphical user interface
      2. Introduction to Information Processing Concepts
      Nature of data, Data Processing Cycle, Nature and roles of information, Management use of information, Role of ICT/IT in business, Information Society/Age and Qualities of information
      3. History of Computing Equipment
      Evolution of Computing Devices , Pre-computer age, Punched card information processing equipment, Introduction to office equipment and classification of computers
      4. Computer Organisation
      Von Neumann Architecture, Computer subsystems, Computer hardware, Computer software and Stored Program Concept (SPC)

      5. Data representation
      Character sets, Character codes, One’s and Two’s Complements, Signed Integer representation, Excess Notation and Introduction to Boolean algebra
      6. Operating Systems
      History and evolution, Functions of operating System, Survey of operating Systems and Components of Operating Systems
      7. Micro Computer Applications
      Productivity tools, Word processing, Presentations and Spreadsheets
      8. Telecommunication & Networks
      Meaning of telecommunication and Telecommunication services, Forms of telecommunications
      , Postal services and Network Typology
      9. Internet Technologies
      Internet browsing and Services available on internet
      B) Under humanities and social science the stand alone course was;

      The aim of this course is to:
      • develop within the students an appreciation of the environment and the related effect of development;
      • provide integrated knowledge of current environmental issues.

      By the end of this course students should be able to:
      1. describe a historical development of the environmental movement.
      2. give an account of environmental management techniques.
      3. relate environment and development to sustainable development.
      4. explain various techniques used in addressing environmental pollution and resource mismanagement.
      1. Environment and development
      definitions of environment and Development, physical environmental systems, environmental linkages to development, Historical perspectives of the environmental movement, environment and economic growth and Tradeoffs.
      2. Population Interactions and the environment
      Population theories and the environment.
      3. Environmental planning and management
      Environmental planning and Management concepts and Land use Planning.
      4. Eco – development
      The eco-development concept, principles of eco-development, organization, social-economic and ecological, Need for eco-development.
      5. Sustainable development.
      definitions of sustainable development, strategies for sustainable resources management, criteria for sustainable development and strategies for sustainable development in Africa.
      6. Resource pollution and environmental degradation
      The case in rural and urban areas, Physical Indices of environmental deterioration, Social Impact of environmental crisis and Environmental degradation in Africa: Leading issues and social perspectives.
      7. Major resource management themes
      The commons theme: Property rights, Externalities and environmental problems, Pollution and Pollution Management, Economics of Pollution control, Population and resources Instruments of environme and ntal policy.
      8. Resource estimation and projections
      Concept of carrying capacity, soil erosion and resources management, Rainforest depletion and management stability and Diversity and economical buffering.
      9. Global change and related scenarios
      Climate change and ozone depletion, Global environmental conversions and their implicationsart
      ,Trade employment and environmental implications and industrial relocation and transfer of environmentally sound technology
      10. Urbanisation and the environment
      Patterns and levels of urbanization in developing countries, The Urban informal sector and the environment, Urban poverty and the environment, urban transport and the environment, urban industrialization and the environment and Policy issues and management approached.
      11. Agriculture and the environment
      Food production trends of agricultural, lands and effects of unsustainable agricultural practices
      , Agricultural development projects, Rangelands- management perspectives, sustainable agricultural development and international trade, Policy reform and environment quality.
      12. Forest resources
      Global issues, Dynamics of forests in Africa, Deforestation, Management approaches and Urban forestry.
      13. Energy resources
      Bio-energy resources and sustainable development, Bio- energy and environmental interactions and policy: social- economic and institutions.
      14. Water resources
      Water rights and permits, Water pollution: prevention and control, Water resources development and conservation.
      15. Resource management and natural hazards
      Flood hazards and Drought and Geomorphology in environmental assessment.
      What is missing
      Other courses in the institute do not have the specific topics for Climate change but are offering cross cutting issues for computer studies, communication and enterpreneurship as well as 21st century skills such as mathematics, business studies, historical skills, language skills, religious skills, special education skills, physical education skills, geographical skills, educational skills, civic educational skills, other scientific skills in which critical thinking is being promoted.
      what is not known about the topics
      Other courses apart from the stand alone courses for environmental education have no topics on climate change
      what is needed in the country is to have a cross cutting issue on climate changewhich will eventually trickle down to our institute.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      What is known about the topic
      – Climate change is a cross-cutting issue
      – Climate is changing rapidly
      – Adaptation to environmental hazards is critical and for that an ecosystem approach can be used to adapt to climate change
      – Global model outputs are too coarse to inform local actions/interventions

      What is not yet known
      – The extent to which climate change will affect different sectors at local levels.

      What is included in the subject curriculum
      A topic on global warming and climate change to climate change is covered in the course titled ‘Physical and Human Environmental Systems’. The topic covers issues about the impacts of climate change and also adaptation measures and strategies. Issues on climate change mitigation are also dealt with. These are normally at global scale but these videos gives one the information that will assist in integrating climate projections for southern Africa as opposed to talking about the global projections, for example at global scale the 2 degrees Celsius temperature increase is often quoted while in the case of Southern Africa this may translate to a 4 degrees Celsius temperature increase.
      Also, local level interventions have to be informed by information/outputs from regional climate models, so it is more appropriate to make use of regional model outputs as opposed to global model outputs which are at a rather coarse resolution.
      There is more information on local impacts to refer to as opposed to the global impacts.

    • Charles
      Post count: 7

      What is known about climate change in Southern Africa
      The climate change situation is already worse in southern Africa than in most other regions. While the global average air temperature has risen by nearly 1°C since accurate weather records began a little over a century ago, in southern Africa temperatures have risen on average by twice this amount.
      Climate change has severely impacted Southern African vegetation over the last decades. Recent studies have shown that limiting the global warming level to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial level may reduce the catastrophic effects of anthropogenic climate change. However, there is limited knowledge on the response of vegetation to climate change at different global warming levels.
      Southern African nations must encourage the global community to radically reduce climate change to lower the risks to particularly vulnerable social and ecological systems.
      In view of the above, climate change issues have mainly been dealt as cross cutting, and appearing in many courses. However, in the Environmental Education course, this is very core and not cross cutting.
      What is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)
      Climate change seems to be relatively new and its effects are not yet comprehended by many countries. To this effect, in many courses, the effects of climate change are not well explained or interpreted with very few practical examples, thereby limiting knowledge on climate change. The implication of this is that many communities fail to prepare for climate change as they are not sure of what needs to be done. Communities are still grappling with causes of floods, droughts, and high temperatures.
      How you can review your curriculum to improve it:
      In line with what is in the videos, review the issues of climate change to understand them better, then review the current curriculum to consider what should be included to address climate change. In addition, endeavour to integrate climate change in as many course as possible with an increased number of field work to appreciate what is on the ground.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      Videos watched are on effects of climate change and because of this, we are facing of problems such as floods, droughts, high temperatures, and other problems. These problems are addressed in our curriculum. The curriculum cover global warming and the environment. It explains how man and the environment interact, the effects of man’s activities on the environment. LIBES curriculum addresses the issues of climate change, Cultural belief and Urbanisation and their challenges and effects on the environment.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      Videos watched are on effects of climate change and because of this, we are facing a lot of problems such as floods, droughts, high temperatures, and other problems. These problems are addressed in our curriculum. The curriculum cover global warming and the environment. It explains how man and the environment interact, the effects of man’s activities on the environment. LIBES curriculum addresses the issues of climate change, Cultural belief and Urbanisation and their challenges and effects on the environment.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      The Department of Forestry and Natural Resource Management at Lesotho Agricultural College specifically under the Environmental Management course (FRMD115) discusses widely the topic of Climate Change. The course covers content that ranges from definition, causes of climate change, impacts, adaptation and mitigation strategies and the policy of the Government of Lesotho on climate change.
      What is missing in the curriculum with regard to climate change is the relative impacts of climate change that Southern Africa will face compared to other regions. That is to say, if the global climate temperatures were to remain at a constant level of below 1 degrees Celsius then Southern Africa will still be higher as indicated by CSIR future modelling. Therefore, Southern Africa has to increase its public sensitization programmes so that everyone understands how serious climate change is for the region.
      In this regard, the Department of Forestry stuff in the college have to meet and address the issue of missing content in the syllabus and agree on it being included and this being in line with the fact that its an important knowledge that learners should be provided with.

    • m.phakisi
      Post count: 9

      a) what is known about a topic
      Climate change: In my pure science department course in Biology and Chemistry the concept of pollution and its effect including climate change are cross-cutting. However, reflecting on what is being taught I realise that its been so cut and dried according to what the textbooks says. Even the District school debates that are run by schools annually where students talk about climate change there is not much out of what is commonly known.
      b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      I think We have not really taken it out of the classroom, into the communities where we talk about this with the village elders so they can tell us their stories so our students see climate change and its progress through the lens of our own context.

    • m.phakisi
      Post count: 9

      a) what is known about a topic
      Our curriculum covers pollution, its effect and how it can be reduced. These topic therefore will include causes of global warming and how it can lead to climate change. These are the concepts that are taught to the learners. In development studies the curriculum covers about treaties, summits and protocols that were meant to mitigate climate change.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa) The documented extent of climate change in Africa and Lesotho in particular and how we can address the issue using our indigenous know2ledge systems

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      climate change issues are included in the curriculum in some environmental related courses in agriculture, forestry and resource management, Land and water management as well as home economics.
      What is missing is the impacts of climate change faced by southern Africa and the fact that climate change affect different sectors and levels, if the agricultural production sector is affected then definitely the health sector will be affected.
      I would suggest that the college review the curriculum with the aim of emphasizing the climate change issues facing southern Africa rather than the global issues. Protection of the environment depends on collaboration and representation of everyone involved. This includes the academic and non academic staff members. There must also be improvement of irrigation system, conservation agriculture and management of water and other resources.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      Climate change is a cross cutting issue and there is a rapid change due to the actions of humans. That is why the globe is facing many natural disasters such as cyclone, flood, severe droughts etc. What is not known is that the delay in responding to climate change will jeopardize the human life and livelihoods. In Home Economics curriculum there are courses like Environmental health and Appropriate technology which specifically discuss the topic related to climate change. The emphasis is on major environmental issues, special health problems that people encounter, human ecosystem, environmental education, energy conservation, forestry development and disposal of refuse. What is missing in the curriculum is models or coping strategies to adapt to climate challenges and therefore this missing issues has to be included in the curriculum.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      Our curriculum addresses a number of the issues depicted by the videos on climate change and its effects ecosystem such as drought, global warming, hunger and floods. Furthermore concepts of earth’s systems interaction i.e. Anthropocene, hydrosphere and atmosphere are also considered. However, there need to relate student’s classroom experiences to the existing challenges the local communities face. This would enable students to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to practically help communities address some of the economic and social problems sustainably.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 8

      The following courses in our Home Economics curriculum cover the climate change issues. Appropriate technology and environmental this course puts more emphasis on global warming and environmental health, Major environmental health problem that people encounter and their interaction with human, Human Ecosystem, Environmental education and empowerment, Energy and the environment. Moreover, climate issues are also included in Agricultural courses as well as Forestry and Land resource management courses. What is missing in the curriculum is make sure that climate change issues are included in most of the courses.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      What is known about climate change
      The Social Studies syllabus covers climate change issues such as the effect of human activities on weather and climate. A number of human activities are mentioned, for instance, agriculture, mining and how they contribute to climate change. The syllabus further looks at some of the steps that can be taken to avert the challenge of climate change.

      What is missing
      The adaptation measures have not been emphasized. For instance how water can be conserved or used efficiently. There is no mention of how people should react to early warning systems and prepare for calamities.

      How the curriculum can be reviewed to improve it
      The curriculum should include issues of adaptation, how information given by the meteorology department should be treated. Sometimes information given by the meteorology department is contested so including issues of how people should react when they have been warned about a drought or floods may help to reduce the damages

    • Emma@Barnett
      Post count: 4

      I am aware that some of our students are offering Geography and Technology teaching where the topics are covered as observed in the Teaching Practice modules. The curriculum related to the content subjects addresses a number of the issues depicted by the videos on climate change.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      What is known about the topic
      In 4th year methodology courses we cover crossing cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, Gender and climate change. In other courses like Physical Geography climate change is covered under the topics Man and the Environment, Forest Fragmentation and Climate Change threats. On the other hand some Chemistry courses also cover Carbon emissions and its effect on the ozone layer.
      What is missing
      Clear emphasis on climate change and its effects. The scope of the topic is shallow because of being grouped under cross-cutting issues. Additionally, the effects such as floods, high temperatures and droughts are not clear cut in the curriculum. The pedagogies used to teach these topics are not hands-on hence learners do not actively participate apply this knowledge in real life.
      How the curriculum be improved
      -Clearly state climate change and its effects in the curriculum
      -Use hands-on approach to teach the topics relating to climate change
      -Encourage interventions (projects) that promote knowledge sharing among students, educators and the community.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      1. what is known about a topic
      under science education and components of agriculture, there are topics like principles of crop production where alot of conservation methods of farming are emphasized reasons why farmers should use them. There is also environmental education where the ecosystem is covered and how best we can conserve water for future use. Chemistry and physics also deals with issues to do with climate change.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern and reasons Africa).
      The depth of the impact of climate change and how serious the preventive measure must be be taken.There are few practical examples of those who have succeeded for example by practicing conversation farming methods which sensitive to climate change. Many people still think that its a living punishment farming like that and would rather remain the way they have been before. The benefits of farming and other activities which are environmental friendly in nature are not much emphasized.
      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.
      the curriculum should include a well co-ordinated way of disseminating information from teacher educators through the pupils to the surrounding villages. hands on should be much emphasized when it comes to climate change.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 4

      Issues of climate and climate change are discussed in most of our Life Sciences, Natural Science and Geography Teacher Educator courses.
      What is known and experienced in society: Global warming effects, flooding, outbreaks of diseases, extinctions, different forms of pollutions. In some cases, the experience is not linked to the cause.

      I say so because all the time there are some protests, random burning of tyres is evident with no-one taking into consideration the air pollution and ultimate effects on the air leading to air pollution.
      what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change includes: Ecology topics, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, conservation of the ecosystem. Depending on the grade, projects presented at Science expos on conservation of the ecosystem to keep it balanced.

    • Mantoetse
      Post count: 7

      The five videos that you watched at the end of session 2 gave you some idea of

      (a) what is known about a topic, and
      I teach Agroclimatology course to students studying for Diploma in Education for secondary level who specialize in Agriculture. Climate change is tackled holistically from causes, effects to mitigation and adaption strategies that can be employed. Climate change issues are also integrated into other causes such as Natural Resource Management, Agricultural Development and Policy. Introduction to Agriculture for Diploma Agriculture for Primary level also has something on climate change even though it quite small.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      Students find it difficult to comprehend that climate change is and ongoing event that cannot be pinned down to a single heavy rainfall nor one event of snowfall. The aspect of ecosystems approach is also very new and time does not allow it to be practiced in ways that can leave tangible results.
      The cause that deals with climate change in depth does not have enough credit hours to carry out enough practical work on mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change. Yet, these are tackled on other causes.
      Agriculture Primary level students fail to be equipped with knowledge and skills to fully comprehend how it came about that climate has changed to this degree and how we can now live with it while we try to cub its effects in the lives of people.

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.

      Lesotho College of Education gives each department autonomy in designing curricula. Thus, it is not easy to agree to include certain cross-cutting issues of general concern different curricular across the Institution. As such, there is no interdisciplinary integration of learning in our students. It would be interesting and more meaningful to hold a workshop where all teacher educators are made aware of such issues and their importance to modern day citizen in order for these cross-cutting issues to be included across the curriculum for all students.
      Improving curriculum is very critical and needs to be done as a whole institution agenda in order reinforce teaching and learning.
      I would like to see more practical oriented courses particularly when dealing with climate change mitigation and adaptation.

    • Mantsinyi
      Post count: 2

      The videos are discussing the effects of climate change and how it affects the human being in daily life, also how the human being behave towards this changes. The climate change is part of the curriculum in the teaching and learning as it affects most of people in their environment, it may results to floods, droughts, pollution and many other problems. Learners must be made aware in their learning about this changes and have ways to overcome some of the challenges brought by this climate change.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 10

      Very informative knowledge. Teachers can act as change agents in this endeavor.

    • Preven
      Post count: 4

      Really enjoyed the Anthropocene video. I think that humans are creatuing big changes on Planet Earth.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      The reviewing of our curriculum at SANU to improve it is focusing on Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) (that will include climate change). As shared in my previous forum post, there is so little on ESE that has been found and the curriculum review process is expected to be protracted and contested and it begins with the activities of our 2021 CoP CP initiatives

    • Sibusiso
      Post count: 11

      There is very large gap in terms of what is covered in our TEI on climate change. While some courses do cover the climate change lessons, they may be lacking in terms of capacitating students to come up with strong solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The concept may be known but the impacts and links between human actions and the impacts such as drought, changes in weather patterns, deforestation and food insecurity issues are very poorly understood.

      To improve the curriculum, collaborating with the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs (Eswatini) could help in building connections with other partners who can support climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives. Also, the learning objectives under learning action 1 are a good guide that can assist my institution in incorporating the SDGs in the curriculum which on a larger part can assist in improving the contribution of students, teachers and communities in reducing the impacts of climate change. To inform evidence based actions, it is also important to promote action research by students, between students and teachers and those involving private and public institutions.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      -Cross cutting issues appear as part of the syllabi in all the study areas in my institution.
      -Studies about the Environment and Climate Change are found in study area of Social Studies, under Geography.
      -Integrated Science deals with topics on the Ecosystems.
      -Consumer Science involve the teaching of Nutrition.
      -In Agriculture deals with irrigation, crop production

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      Climate change is not taken as serious issue in Africa and we’re having also these problems because people are civilised about this climate change.
      what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      -Although cross cutting issues are part of the syllabi, how and what cross cutting issues are being addressed is not known.
      -The follow up of cross cutting issues being assessed is not done.
      -Entrepreneurship is in existence but does not include prevention of environmental degradation in business plans.
      -The general knowledge that relates to co-existence with other organisms and nature is not emphasised.

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.

      -The curriculum must specify the cross cutting issues to be address by each study area in my TE.
      -Suggested methodology to cover the cross cutting issues would be of help.
      -Follow ups of whether the cross cutting issues are being covered and being included in the assessment schemes.
      We need to work as a team to have ESD and the education sector should be in fore front to teach people mostly young for the betterment of tomorrow of this Earth. If we stand as one we can change and bring the climate to it’s origin but sometimes money makes things to be spoiled hence people are destroying the environment with interest of money. But together we can.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      What is known about the topic
      Climate change is a cross-cutting issue which need to be embedded in the curriculum and adaptation to environmental hazards is a critical issue which must be taken seriously and for that matter an ecosystem approach can be used to adapt well to climate changes.

      What is not yet known
      The extent to which climate change will affect different sectors at local and national levels.
      What is included in the subject curriculum
      A topic on global warming, environmental degradation and climate are covered in the course titled ‘Physical geography’. The topics cover issues about the impacts of climate change and also adaptation measures and strategies in the environment. Issues on climate change due to global warming are also dealt with.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 3

      From the video I see that climate change is rapidily growing. And In my tvt lessons I see that most issues on climate change are not addressed. We only have one course called Occupation Safety and Health, this one also only tackle safety of the learner and partially talks of caring environment.

      So it is time we review our courses the go inline with ESD, it’s time for teachers to learn to teach climate change, how to care environment for future generations. Are we just cutting trees for calentry use, do we replace??? Those are issues needed

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      What is known about the topic
      Climate change is a sensitive issue which need to be addressed in the curriculum. The adaptation to environmental hazards is also critical issue that should be taken seriously
      What is not yet known
      To what extent the climate change affect different sectors at local national and international levels.
      What is included in the subject curriculum
      the issue included in curriculum are global warming, environmental degradation and climate are covered in the course titled ‘physical geography’. The topics cover issues like impacts of climate change, adaptation measures and strategies in the environment. but the sustainability of environment remain to be the role that should be played by every one in the society.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 16

      having watched the five videos i have this to share:

      what is known about a topic?
      Human activities to use natural resources have negatively affected the environment. green house gasers and deforestation have resulted into climate change which has resulted into reduction in agriculture produce, global warming, flooding ,droughts,extinction of wildlife and hailstorms.
      the hazardous effects given here cme abut due to economic activities taking place on the globe.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      creative thinking and innovative education is an element that is missing in most part of the human population.infrmation abut climate change is not available to most learners as such many people do not think critically on solutions to climate change. even when the information is made available , those who get it have no influence to bring sustainable change solutions.

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it:
      these video clips can help in trans formative change on proper management of the environment and coming up with innovative solutions to global issues of concern.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 14

      Having watched the five videos with much keen interest, this is what is known about the topic:
      1. Climate change has negatively impacted on agriculture and environment in many African countries including Malawi
      2. Local people in rural setting do not really understand that climate change is as a result of human activity on environment due to little education or illiteracy.
      3. Climate change has led to change in rainfall patterns and drought in some cases which has led to extinction of some animals

      What is not yet known about the topic include:
      1. Taking the topic as a serious issue that should be tackled across all subjects.
      2. Inclusion of many adaptations in the instructional materials on how to reduce effects of climate change.

      Currently, in Teacher Education the topic is taught in social studies where definition and effects of climate change are emphasized. However, the Curriculum would be improved if more case studies on major calamities that have happened in Southern Africa due climate change were included in the Curriculum. This would help student teachers appreciate the seriousness of the topic and be agents of change to wherever they would be posted to teach.
      Additionally, the topic should also partly be fused in other subjects to underscore its importance.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      The five videos that you watched at the end of session 2 gave you some idea of

      (a) what is known about a topic?
      – Causes and impact of climate change on human life
      – Adapting to climate change

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)?
      – How can we do away with the causes of climate change while human activities are still going on and will never stop?

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it
      Climate change is Included in our curriculum
      Adapting to climate change is missing in our curriculum

      If we are to review our curriculum the following improvement could be done:
      The topic of climate change could appear in all subjects
      Adapting to climate change could appear in the curriculum

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      What is known about climate change basing on the five videos I have observed:
      Human activities have affected all the four sphere namely geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. If shows that an activity on one of the spheres.causes and effects of climate change are also known. However there is knowledge gap on how to solve the challenges we are faced with.There is need to equip learners and the community at large with skill.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      What is known about the topic in our teacher education curriculum in Malawi:
      the negative impact of climate change on agricultural activities such erratic rainfall and soil erosion

      What is not yet known about the topic include:
      the extent to which the effects have affected the earth
      It would be good if the topic could be integrated in each of the subjects being taught so that students appreciate the seriousness of the issue.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      What is known about the topic in our TE from all the videos is that issues of cross-cutting is being addressed in our curriculum. For example in Social Studies, Agriculture, Science and Technology. Talk about the impact of climate change that is caused by humans.
      What is not known is how to deal with what causes climate change because human activities wil not stop.
      There is need to integrate the issue of climate change in all the learning subjects at TE so that students should be well conversant with the climate change and the causes and how to overcome.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      The five videos that I watched at the end of session 2 gave me some idea of

      (a) what is known about a topic,
      climate change and its impact on us as human beings whereby nowadays we are faced with challenges such as high temperatures, floods, drought, and many more. This is mostly well-covered in agriculture, social studies, and science department

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)? How can we do away with climate change as people cannot stop doing different activities to earn a living

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it
      There is a need to integrate the issues of climate change into the curriculum so that students will understand the concept vividly. Engaging students to have projects that will help them gain and improve knowledge and skills about the climate change

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      In our curriculum both undergraduate and postgraduate studies cross cutting issues on climate change are included like theories, cause-effects relationships, impacts on different sectors especially agriculture as well as adaptation strategies, and issues like Paris agreement and the use of case studies to demonstrate what is happening all these are included in curriculum.
      However the issues of action oriented components of all this is missing and to improve this I am suggesting and even our change project is focusing on reviewing curriculum to include the missing component.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      (a) what is known about a topic
      Climate Change in Southern Africa: Countries in Southern Africa are heavily dependent on agriculture, water and forest. The economy is dependent on the ecosystem. However, the impacts of climate change have been devastating over the years. There has been the rise sea level ( especially Mozambique), destroying agriculture field, increase in carbon dioxide, frequent floods, prolonged droughts, scarce rainfall, rise in, deforestation, storms and tornadoes, unpredictable rainfall patterns. This has led to loss of livelihoods and security. However, some countries have developed coping strategies such as practicing conservative agriculture.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).

      I think more effort should be directed at fighting the issue of poverty in the region because saving the environment is the least of the peoples’ concerns than meeting their basic needs. I think equal effort must be channeled to that. In as much as there are Regional Climate Models, there is also the need for intensifying communities’ structures to interpret the information and help to heed any warning related to weather incidences. Strategies are needed for navigating through this period and build resiliency and to get all the countries to work together in reversing the damage and come up with the way forward.

      What is missing? and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.

      I think our curriculum need include most of the climate change content and place more emphasis on practical activities related to saving the planet. With the increase in rate of unemployment, there is the need that the curriculum equip students with self-sufficiency skills.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 15

      Having watched the five videos with much keen interest, this is what is known about the topic:
      1. Climate change has negatively impacted on agriculture and environment in many African countries including Malawi
      2. Local people in rural setting do not really understand that climate change is as a result of human activity on environment due to little education or illiteracy.
      3. Climate change has led to change in rainfall patterns and drought in some cases which has led to extinction of some animals

      What is not yet known about the topic include:
      1. Taking the topic as a serious issue that should be tackled across all subjects.
      2. Inclusion of many adaptations in the instructional materials on how to reduce effects of climate change.

      Currently, in Teacher Education the topic is taught in social studies where definition and effects of climate change are emphasized. However, the Curriculum would be improved if more case studies on major calamities that have happened in Southern Africa due climate change were included in the Curriculum. This would help student teachers appreciate the seriousness of the topic and be agents of change to wherever they would be posted to teach.
      Additionally, the topic should also partly be fused in other subjects to underscore its importance

    • Washington Mbhamali
      Post count: 8

      Our TVET curricula across all the different courses at MITC do not directly include any components of the climate change curriculum for Southern Africa. However, our feeling is that if the administrators, educators, support staff and trainees could be oriented on issues related to climate change, such as causes for escalation, effects and impact on earth systems, it could help in collectively reviewing the different curricula to include content that will be relevant to each course. We also feel that if all members of staff (academic and non-academic) and trainees were to participate in different change projects such as waste management and many others, that could help fight climate change using TVET activities.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 5

      The five videos that you watched at the end of session 2 gave you some idea of

      (a) what is known about a topic?
      – the economy is dependent on the ecosytem
      – Causes and impact of climate change on human life
      – Adapting to climate change

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)?
      – How can we as humans reduce the causes of climate change while human activities are still happening and will never stop?

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it
      Climate change is inadequately incorporated in our curriculum

      If we are to review our curriculum the following improvement could be done:
      The topic of climate change could appear in all subjects
      Adapting to climate change could appear in the curriculum
      Integrating of adaptations to climate change in the curriculum on how to reduce effects of climate change

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      What is currently included in UNESWA – Faculty of Agriculture subject curricula on climate change
      There are departments such as the Crop Production and Animal Science are having subject content on climate change.

      What is missing in UNESWA – Faculty of Agriculture subject curricula on climate change
      Since the issues of climate change are dealt with from another department it is difficult to ascertain what exactly the students are taught in these departments. Also the information is delivered in instalments and pieces.

      How the curriculum can be reviewed to improve it
      Therefore, there is a need to harmonize and organize such information into a course as it is done in the Geography Department. Also the other departments other than the two mentioned should also be brought on board on what is being taught and they can mainstream some of the concepts where relevant for applicability.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 10

      Basing on the five videos watched at the end of session 2;

      (a) what is known about the topic “climate change in Southern Africa” include;
      -the environment is quickly losing its biodiversity
      -human activities are a major contributing factor to environmental degradation
      -adverse effects of environmental degradation such as floods, drought, irratic rainfall and global warming are hitting the world including southern Africa

      (b) what is not yet known about the topic “climate change in Southern Africa” include;
      -how best can communities meet their needs while ensuring sustainable livelihood
      -to what extent has climate change affected livelihood in Southern Africa
      -whose responsibility is it to ensure environmental sustainability

      Using the videos, currently the TE curricula for Malawi addresses climate change as a cost-cutting issue. It has been mainstreamed in subjects such as Social and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Science and technology.

      However, climate change in our TE curriculum mainly focuses on knowledge. In fact, much emphasis is on the causes, effects and mitigation of effects of climate change, with very little hands-on activities to let students take responsibility of the environment. Basing on this, the curriculum needs to be reviewed to include more practical activities that will make learners responsible of the environment.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 5

      very interesting knowledge. climate change is very important in food availability is very important but I feel our syllabus does very little in incorporating this. thus this was evidence is sudden scarcity of certain commodities food commodities and prices shooting up. As a hospitality department it is vital to incorporate climate change in our syllabus as it has a financial implication.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 10

      Using the videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it

      *Our curriculum seem to be very detached on issues of climate change. I think the reason could be that ICT, as a technical oriented field, we are much concerned with how to achieve things and be oblivious that the earth actually has integrated systems/ spheres and nothing really can be done outside of these spheres.

      I think it is very important to understand that the earth is sustained by the interrelatedness and balance between its major systems. Understanding this will make each one of us, regardless of field of practice they are in to first acknowledge that what we do will certainly do something to the status quo of the earth and therefore establish first what that something will likely be and whether or not it is desirable and what the consequences may be, no matter how subtle/ small/ insignificant those consequences are likely to be.

      We must understand that small and insignificant consequences contributions from different fields of practice, when put together, are likely to become quite significant consequences. Therefore, understanding the earth and its systems is crucial before we can begin to think as IT specialists or any other specialist.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      (a) what is known about a topic:
      – Climate change is a cross-cutting issue and its affecting our environment.
      – The climate is rapidly changing and human are the major contributors to the rapid changes happening.
      – There is a need to adapt to climate change, .and change the way we do things and for that to be possible, an ecosystem approach can be used to adapt to climate change.

      (b) What is not yet known:
      – The extent to which climate change will and has already affected different sectors and livelihoods in Southern Africa.

      The curriculum should include different ways of dealing with climate change as well as how best we can deal with the issues of adaptation to climate change. include ways to prepare ourselves in dealing with droughts or floods thus to minimize damage.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      Reviewing our curriculum at Southern African Nazarene University will aid in focusing more on Environmental and Sustainability activities that may include climate changes in the region. ES and curriculum review processes still need to be dealt with vigorously as not much effort has been aligned to the area in past and so it is expected to be protracted and contested and thus it begins with the activities of our 2021 CoP CP initiatives at SANU.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 5

      The economy is dependent on the ecosystem
      Causes and impacts of climate change on human life
      Adapting to climate change
      If we are to review our curricula the following improvements could be done
      Topic of climate change be included in all subjects
      It could appear in the curriculum integrating of adaptations to climate change in the curriculum on how to reduce effects of climate change

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      (a) What is known about climate change?
      • It is a cross-cutting issue and it is affecting our environment. It is rapidly changing and human are the major contributors to the rapid changes happening. The environment is quickly losing its biodiversity.
      • Human activities are a major contributing factor to environmental degradation
      adverse effects of environmental degradation such as floods, drought, irratic rainfall and global warming are hitting the world including southern Africa.
      • There is a need to adapt to climate change, and change the way we do things where possible. For that to be possible, an ecosystem approach can be used to adapt to climate change.
      (b) What is not yet known?
      • The extent to which climate change will and has already affected different sectors and livelihoods in Southern Africa. The extent to which food security has been threatened through the impossibility of plantation of food due to extreme rains and drought.
      • The extent to which livelihood of Southern Africans has been affected, could be affected by climate change and what needs to be done to mitigate.
      • How best can communities meet their needs while ensuring sustainable livelihood.
      • Whose responsibility is it to ensure environmental sustainability?
      (c) What is currently offered and how it can be improved in my institution?
      What is currently included at Ngwane Teachers College – Faculty of Science Education subject curricula on climate change is encountered in Chemistry and Biology as subject topics. Others encounter it in Geography and Agricultrure. Unfortunately, the teaching approach is knowledge based from a global perspective and there is very little room to bring things closer to home. Curriculum would be improved if more case studies on major calamities that have happened in Southern Africa due climate change were included in the Curriculum. This would help student teachers appreciate the seriousness of the topic and be agents of change to wherever they would be posted to teach.
      It would also be useful to infuse the topic in other subjects to underscore its importance, even if they are non-science subjects.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 10

      Our curriculum seems to be very detached on issues of climate change. I think the reason could be that ICT, as a technically oriented field, we are much concerned with how to achieve things and be oblivious that the earth actually has integrated systems/ spheres and nothing really can be done outside of these spheres.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      What is known about climate change?
      Climate change has affected the way we live, our produce has been affected due to the climate change. The society needs to adapt to this changes and more strategies should be implemented that will assist the society on how to live and grow under such conditions.

      What is not yet known?
      What effects and damages will climate change have in the near future, how will people sustain their living under this conditions. Can this be prevented, avoided or cured, are there any preparations done by authorities to avoid climate change.

    • Mantoetse
      Post count: 7

      (a) What is known about a topic:
      Teachers and learners know something about climate. They know it from geography, biology, agriculture and general knowledge.
      Many people are aware that the climate is changing even though they do not fully understand courses and reparations thereof. It is a cross-cutting issue hence it is in the mouths of many people including the general public.

      (b) What is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      The anthropogenic course of climate change is not known and very difficult to understand when it is taught because of its abstract nature.
      Issues of climate change are highly contested. Disciplinary integration is quite aloof and not so many teachers are able to do it as our subjects are indeed made to be in silos. As a result, little is known on how to treat climate change issues since what affects people here and now will be affecting others differently elsewhere. Again, people get comfortable when they deal with common issues that are familiar; as such, they avoid anything that stretches their mind.

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.
      The videos are helpful in that they bring the world closer to the classroom. The missing element is to bring the world into the classroom so that teachers and learners can interrogate the behavior and functions of different ecosystems and understand the services that ecosystems offer. Once they understand these, they can easily connect to their own societal issues and debate on whether their ecosystems are providing these services or not.
      Watching these videos also make it easy to understand how different disciplines relate. It enables curriculum developers to think of activities that can be carried out in real places where learners can appreciate problems confronting society and, together with the community, suggest solutions to such problems, thus making learning that is relevant to real life problems. This mode of learning is suggested by Active Learning Models.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      (a) what is known about a topic
      What is known about the topic is that we are facing a rapid climate change globally. The videos has just shade more light, there is really a huge negative effect to all factors on the environment like the agriculture sector. T

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      The major impacts of climate change in the years to come and the effects to the upcoming generations is not yet known about the topic.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      In Tanzania, What is known about the topic:

      Climate change and this already integrated in curriculum

      What is not yet known is southern Africa is that the changes are of highly impact and no any serious measures are being taken with poor implementation of the policy.

      Political will is missing to address the issue strongly and implement the good policy we have.

    • Mpendulo
      Post count: 3

      What is known about this topic is that we are facing a very huge issue of climate change which has a very negative impact in our lives and the environment we live in. The videos has highlighted some of the negative effects on the environment more especially on the agricultural division and nothing yet is planned or is done to try and consider this negative impact brought by the climate change.

      What is not yet known is that no serious measures has are being taken about this impacts and no policies are placed for change implementation. This will have a greater effect to the upcoming generation if the policies are not placed.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 14

      What is known:
      1.climate change affect the life of people in Africa
      2. Agriculture is the most affected sector than others
      3. The global crisis we are facing can be turned into opportunities if we have a transformative mindset
      4. Some effort are already on play with an example of IUCN & CDP


    • Anonymous
      Post count: 14

      What is known:
      1.climate change affect the life of people in Africa
      2. Agriculture is the most affected sector than others
      3. The global crisis we are facing can be turned into opportunities if we have a transformative mindset
      4. Some effort are already on play with an example of IUCN & CDP


    • Anonymous
      Post count: 8

      Teachers have limited knowledge and competencies relating to Sustainability. Hence there is a need that time and resources are allocated to teachers to improve their level of awareness, perceived behavioural control and person-related beliefs that would positively influence their intention to teach sustainability.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      What is known about the topic
      • Cross cutting issues are found in all courses
      • Climate change is a cross-cutting issue and it occurs rapidly

      • What is not yet known
      The effect of climate change on different sectors and the extent into which this will occur.
      What is included in the subject curriculum
      There is an extensive inclusion of topics on global warming and climate change.
      What is missing
      Strategies and measures of responding to climate change are missing in the curriculum. It would be ideal to include them.
      What can be done to improve your curriculum?
      There is a need to add more information on local impact of climate change. More so, climate change should be included in as many subjects as possible

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 15

      What is known about climate change in Southern Africa
      The climate change situation is already worse in southern Africa than in most other regions. While the global average air temperature has risen by nearly 1°C since accurate weather records began a little over a century ago, in southern Africa temperatures have risen on average by twice this amount.
      Climate change has severely impacted Southern African vegetation over the last decades. Recent studies have shown that limiting the global warming level to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial level may reduce the catastrophic effects of anthropogenic climate change. However, there is limited knowledge on the response of vegetation to climate change at different global warming levels.
      Southern African nations must encourage the global community to radically reduce climate change to lower the risks to particularly vulnerable social and ecological systems.
      In view of the above, climate change issues have mainly been dealt as cross cutting, and appearing in many courses. However, in the Environmental Education course, this is very core and not cross cutting.
      What is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)
      Climate change seems to be relatively new and its effects are not yet comprehended by many countries. To this effect, in many courses, the effects of climate change are not well explained or interpreted with very few practical examples, thereby limiting knowledge on climate change. The implication of this is that many communities fail to prepare for climate change as they are not sure of what needs to be done. Communities are still grappling with causes of floods, droughts, and high temperatures.
      How you can review your curriculum to improve it:
      In line with what is in the videos, review the issues of climate change to understand them better, then review the current curriculum to consider what should be included to address climate change. In addition, endeavour to integrate climate change in as many course as possible with an increased number of field work to appreciate what is on the ground.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      (a) What is known about a topic
      Cross cutting issues to be specific on climate change are found in a few selected subjects like Agriculture, Social and Environmental Sciences, Human Ecology and Expressive Arts. We are facing many challenges like droughts, floods, hunger, cyclones and high temperatures. Videos watched are on effects of climate change and are addressed in the curriculum.
      (b) What is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      The depth of the impact of climate change need to be explained further and also how the preventive measures must be taken seriously. On the same, few practical examples provided e.g those who have succeeded after using conservation farming methods, little has been known yet this is sensitive to climate change. The benefits of farming and other activities which are environmental friendly in nature are not much emphasized in the courses.
      (c) Use these videos to review what what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in Southern Africa, what is missing and how you can review your curriculum to improve it.
      The impact of climate change faced by Southern Africa is missing. Not only that but also how to relate students’ classroom experiences to the existing challenges the local communities face. This would assist students apply the content knowledge learnt in class into practical knowledge as teachers are agents of change hence helping communities address some of the challenges faced thereby promoting their economic and social lives.As already explained in the Anthropocene that when one system is affected negatively in the ecosystem, humans would also be affected, then there is need to include issues of climate change to all subjects of the course.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 10

      the videos gave me some ideas about the issue of climate change

      (a) what is known about a topic:
      the effects of climate change on humanity and the planet at large, high temperature, drought and floods to name but a few.

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic?
      figuring out sustainable ways of dealing with climate change in a world that is constantly growing which means we can not really stop doing certain activities which affect the planet yet they impact it greatly.

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it
      there is a growing need to mainstream sustainability programmes in our curriculum to educate learners about climate change and other environmental issues.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 10

      The five videos that I watched at the end of session 2 gave me some idea of

      (i) what is known about a topic,
      climate change and its impact on us as human beings whereby nowadays we are faced with challenges such as high temperatures, floods, drought, and many more. This is mostly well-covered in agriculture, social studies, and science department

      (ii) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)? How can we do away with climate change as people cannot stop doing different activities to earn a living

      Use these videos to review what is currently included in your TE/TVET subject curricula on climate change in southern Africa, what is missing, and how you can review your curriculum to improve it
      There is a need to integrate the issues of climate change into the curriculum so that students will understand the concept vividly. Engaging students to have projects that will help them gain and improve knowledge and skills about the climate change

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 13

      what is known
      – climatic change is a global issue
      -climatic change is man made through his/her daily activities
      What is not known
      Climatic change affect all economic activities that a man depend on for life so for the survival of people in this world climatic change must be controlled so that the world could be save from it.
      what is included in the subject curriculum

      climatic change is the topic in Geography for grade A course at Teacher colleges in Tanzania , this topic address how climatic change can be controlled, it’s impact to the world and how human being become the source of it

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      Much is known on climate change in my district and institution but the problem is how to correct the situation caused by human activities to the eco system. At our institution we have taught our students to use organic fertilizers instead of chemical manure; such collecting biodegradable materials to use as compost manure in the garden and maize field at the college. Planting trees around the institutions to stop soil erosion and keeping of fish and use the water from fish ponds to water and manure the garden. Collection of non biodegradable materials for recycling, e.g plastic bottles and papers; these are collected by students and sold to recycling companies to gain some income and keep the environment clean and to avoid burning which will damage the ozone layer.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 8

      what is known
      – climatic change is a global issue which occurs because of the result of human activities
      What is not known
      Climatic change affect all aspects of living include economic, political, social,spiritual, and physical globally.Therefore the climatic change must be controlled in order to save the worldfrom it.

      climatic change is the topic in Geography for grade A course at Teachers’ college in Tanzania which address on how climatic change can be controlled, it’s impact to the world and how human being become the causative agent.

    • Makamohelo Nyabela
      Post count: 11

      The five videos that you watched at the end of session 2 gave you some idea of

      (a) what is known about a topic, and
      -Climate change is mostly caused by human activity on the planet.
      -The impact of climate change keeps on increasing
      -Increasing population and economic growth accelerates climate change and its impact.
      -The globe is under threat and the future is very uncertain

      (b) what is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa).
      -How best humanity can cope with the climate change. E.g. ways to reduce pollution caused by disposable products such as polystyrene foam packs
      -How to consumption and production patterns can be regulated such that even the future generation can grow economically using the same environmental resources
      -What will happen if we continue living this way
      The curriculum should be reviewed to provide solutions to what is unknown.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 11

      What is known about climate change in Southern Africa
      The climate change situation is already worse in southern Africa than in most other regions. While the global average air temperature has risen by nearly 1°C since accurate weather records began a little over a century ago, in southern Africa temperatures have risen on average by twice this amount.
      Climate change has severely impacted Southern African vegetation over the last decades. Recent studies have shown that limiting the global warming level to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial level may reduce the catastrophic effects of anthropogenic climate change. However, there is limited knowledge on the response of vegetation to climate change at different global warming levels.
      Southern African nations must encourage the global community to radically reduce climate change to lower the risks to particularly vulnerable social and ecological systems.
      In view of the above, climate change issues have mainly been dealt as cross cutting, and appearing in many courses. However, in the Environmental Education course, this is very core and not cross cutting.
      What is not yet known about a topic (in this case, climate change in Southern Africa)
      Climate change seems to be relatively new and its effects are not yet comprehended by many countries. To this effect, in many courses, the effects of climate change are not well explained or interpreted with very few practical examples, thereby limiting knowledge on climate change. The implication of this is that many communities fail to prepare for climate change as they are not sure of what needs to be done. Communities are still grappling with causes of floods, droughts, and high temperatures.
      How you can review your curriculum to improve it:
      In line with what is in the videos, review the issues of climate change to understand them better, then review the current curriculum to consider what should be included to address climate change. In addition, endeavour to integrate climate change in as many course as possible with an increased number of field work to appreciate what is on the ground.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      There is very large gap in terms of what is covered in our TEI on climate change. While some courses do cover the climate change lessons, they may be lacking in terms of capacitating students to come up with strong solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The concept may be known but the impacts and links between human actions and the impacts such as drought, changes in weather patterns, deforestation and food insecurity issues are very poorly understood.

      To improve the curriculum, collaborating with the Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs (Eswatini) could help in building connections with other partners who can support climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives. Also, the learning objectives under learning action 1 are a good guide that can assist my institution in incorporating the SDGs in the curriculum which on a larger part can assist in improving the contribution of students, teachers and communities in reducing the impacts of climate change. To inform evidence based actions, it is also important to promote action research by students, between students and teachers and those involving private and public institutions.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 9

      What is known about a topic:
      Climate change is a cross-cutting issue nowadays mostly caused by human activity around the globe, rendering uncertainty of the future. The impact of climate change keeps on increasing; population and economic growth accelerates climate change and its impact.

      What is not yet known:
      It is still mind-boggling how humanity can cope with the climate change and its effects. The effects of climate change are not well explained or interpreted with very few practical examples, thereby limiting knowledge on climate change. The implication of this is that many communities fail to prepare for climate change as they are not sure of what needs to be done. Communities are still grappling with causes of floods, droughts, and high temperatures.
      How you can review your curriculum to improve it:
      The curriculum should be reviewed to provide solutions to what is unknown. In relation to the videos, climate change issues need to be reviewed to understand them better, then review the current curriculum to consider what should be included to address climate change. Furthermore, it imperative integrate climate change in as many courses as possible with an increased number of field work to appreciate what is on the ground.

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