Learning Action 2: A Case Story

Building on Learning Action 1, you are now at the second step in your Action Learning Programme. In this Learning Action you will begin to work with ESD content and critical issues relevant to ESD.

Learning Outcomes of Learning Action 2

At the end of this learning action, you will have:

  • Discuss the nature of ESD knowledge in relation to the SDGs.
  • Identify and critically engage with relevant content related to some of the SDGs that are most relevant to your district, country and Teacher Education/TVET institution.
  • Identify and critically work with key concepts and sustainability issues relevant to sustainable development, and integrate these into your Teacher Education/TVET institutions’ programme/s. 
  • Explore responses to critical sustainable development issues, especially their integration in Teacher Education/TVET institutions’ programmes. 
  • Make links between ESD and indigenous knowledge in Teacher Education/TVET education programmes. 
  • Critically engage with ESD discourse.

In this Learning Action we continue to follow our teacher educators as they make decisions on source and identify relevant content related to sustainable development issues and concerns in their context, and as these relate to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. They noticed that the SDGs are often interrelated and interlinked, especially when examined at a local level. One of the challenges they faced was to align this content with the syllabus content of Teacher/TVET education, so as to provide an enriching teacher education experience for their students. Another challenge was the fact that they encountered some critiques of SD thinking, and had to consider the meaning of these for their ESD work.