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I am Wilson Gunde, a teacher educator at Chiradzulu Teacher Training College, located in the Southern part of Malawi, 36km South of Blantyre City.

I have been motivated to participate in this course because of the aspect of transformative learning for sustainable development. There are many challenges that countries in the SADC region are grappling with due to human activity and natural disasters which could be addressed through transformative learning and mindset change. I like the fact that knowledge and skills gained from this course will be put into practice through implementation of a project change that will make a difference to my institution and surrounding communities at large.

When I read about this course, the first project change that came into my mind was “Afforestation.” However, after discussing with my colleagues, we settled on “Reducing girl child school drop-out through use of gender responsive pedagogy and community engagement.” This project was arrived at after realising that we may not have sustainable development if more girls remain uneducated. Through this project we will work closely with primary school teachers, student teachers, local community leaders, parents and school management committees to ensure access to quality education to both boys and girls.

It is my sincere hope that the support that we will get from this course will assist us to successfully implement the project. Looking forward to learning more insights about sustainable development.