St Joseph’s TTC – Malawi is planning to embark on “cover me with green”project, in short tree planting change project. This idea has come up just because most areas around the college are completely bare. Trees have all been cut for fuelwood and poles as well as timbers for building settlements. The tree planting change project which will involve the community will also ensure that the next generation shall have materials for home and community functions. Otherwise, the generation shall completely have nothing for similar activities. Therefore, the tree planting change project will be of paramount help to the community.
St Joseph’so TTC community of practice would also like to embark on TALULAR change project at school level as well as surround schools concurrently. This is so because most teachers have little knowledge on how to produce teaching resources from locallyou available resources. If any nation would like to achieve quality education then it should allow learners to experience with the environment during learning. In other words if a learner is given a chance for hands on activities, the ideas and skills are mastered very well. As a result of this quality education is achieved.